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By December 22, 2017Facebook

2017 in Numbers

As the year draws to a close, we would like to thank everyone for your support and share some interesting numbers on some of our environmental practices during 2017

During the past year we have:
– melted 146 563 kg’s (146.5 tons) of old clear bottles, the majority of which we have bought from “Gogo’s” whose only income is collecting recyclable waste.
– collected 20 633 litres of old engine oil and 110 301 litres of old cooking oil, which we have “cleaned” and burned in our furnace. These would otherwise have been discarded into our landfills and contaminated our ground water.
– used 14100 kg’s (14.1 tons) of old newspaper which we use for shaping the hot glass as well as our packaging.
– produced 108 900 Kwh of solar power, enough energy to power 10 households for a year, or drive an e-car 857677 km’s, or 21.4 circumnavigations of our planet. Saving 76.25 tons of CO2 from being pumped into our atmosphere.

Some of the ways that we have worked towards a cleaner Swaziland

The glass is greener on our side!